Known by many as “tapping,” the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a comprehensive therapeutic method that blends modern psychology with ancient Chinese medicine, specifically acupuncture. It is used to treat mental problems, lessen tension, and ease discomfort in the body. This is how EFT operates:


  1. Finding the Problem: The first step is determining the mental or physical problem you wish to address. This could be anything, such as pain, a particular phobia, or anxiety and tension.
  2. Meridian Point Tapping: The tapping technique used in EFT is placing your fingertips on particular bodily meridian points. The head, face, chest, and hands are among these points. You tap while uttering a statement that clarifies the issue or accepts the one you’re working on.
  3. Affirmations and Acceptance: By tapping on these places and repeating the phrase, you are aiming to bring your attention to the situation at hand, accept your emotions, and move toward accepting it. The intention is to lessen the emotional burden attached to it.
  4. Progressive Desensitization: It’s thought that vocalizing and tapping might assist in lessening the emotional reaction to the issue. This may eventually result in the problem becoming less severe and possibly resolved.


Stress, anxiety, phobias, pain management, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are just a few of the many conditions that EFT is frequently used for. The scientific community disagrees over the efficacy of EFT, even though some users claim excellent outcomes and symptom relief. While there is evidence to support the potential benefits of EFT, further research is required to confirm its effectiveness definitively.


Those who would like to give EFT a try can get the method via books, websites, or professional EFT practitioners or therapists who can offer tailored help. EFT is generally regarded as a complementary or alternative therapy and should not be used in place of medical treatment when necessary; therefore, speaking with a healthcare professional is imperative for serious emotional or physical difficulties.